Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welding Qualifications

Welding Qualifications

Welding Procedures, Welder Approvals and Welding Procedure Specifications explained.

European Standards
An introduction to European Welding Standards. (427Kb pdf File)
John Dyson
Basic Guide
A basic introduction to Welding qualifications and why they are required
Welding Procedure Specifications(WPS)
Welding Procedure Specifications to EN ISO 15609-1 (formerly EN288 Part 2). Why are they required and what should they include. 
ASME Section IX
Guidance on the qualification of welding procedures and the performance testing of welders to section 9 of the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code.  Approval Range Calculator.
European & ISO Welding Standards
These new standards are renumbered and updated versions of the old EN288 series. Information is also provided about the older standards.
NEW Approval Range Calculator.
Automatic/Machine Welding
Guidance on the qualification of welding operators to EN and ASME Rules
Independant Inspection Authority
Royal & SunAlliance is probably one of the most helpful Inspection agencies around.